One day, I opened my Master’s PC and found long essay about Peter Damm. As the essay is long, please allow me to split.
People who knows Peter Damm among ordinary people may not so many in these days. Peter Damm is a horn player who mainly worked in DDR which was in other side of “iron curtain” for Japanese. As more than 20 years has past since he retire, it might be natural to see less people knows about him.
I found my old diary written in 1982. I wrote about Peter Damm for the first time on February 3. I bought an LP record of “Mozart Horn Concert” played by Peter Damm. I was junior high school student and play horn in brass band. As my home town was small, there is no mega-size store and I ordered the LP and went to the small LP shop to pick it up. Here is my diary about the day in 1982.
Is that all ? No special comment here. I returned the LP later and received new one without scratch. In that period, orchestra players of “West” Germany was more popular for Japanese students. I guess horn sound with a lot of vibrato gave me a strange feeling at that time.
However, the more time goes by, the more I found I love music of Peter Damm the best.
After all, I was just a child who didn’t know what is precious for my life. We can no longer meet horn player like him. Skill of orchestra players are improved a lot and standardization of horn sound is everywhere in the world. Even if people forget the unique and brilliant horn player in the past, I want to be the one who keep talking about Peter Damm and his music. I hope more and more people to know about Peter Damm and love his music.
If possible, I wish I could publish a book about Peter Damm. Here are candidate of the title.
- “10 Peter Damm for highly effective person”
- “Must-listen Peter Damm at your 20’s ” ( followed by 30’s, 40’s… as series. )
- “All that you need now is Peter Damm”
I don’t think the book can be a million seller, but no one knows what will happens in the future.